Well, this is kinda old news for me, but two weeks ago I got my acceptance letter into the Nursing Program. I will start in January and I am just soooooo excited!!! When I recieved the letter I was nervous, scared, overwhelmed, stressed, but amazingly all those "bad" emotions have siezed and I am nothing less than excited!!! I can't wait. My only worry, and it's a slight worry, is my 2 girls. I'm going to have to figure out what to do with them while I'm in school. Eddie has told me he'll do whatever HE needs to do with his work schedule to make it work, and my parents have offered to watch the girls whenever I need them, so I know it'll work out, but I just hate the stress of figuring out what to do with them :P
Anyhow, I look forward to beginning in about 3 months! I had NO idea I would be so excited. The program is a four semester program (2 years) and at the conclusion of the last block/semester I will be an RN (Registered Nurse)!!!! OH HOW EXCITING. Nothing's set in stone yet, duh, but at this point I hope to work in the labor/delivery or post-partum floors at a hospital. That has been my goal since the start of puruit of nursing. I am getting sooooo close; I see the light!! Did I say that I am excited?!?!?!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Nursing School...HERE I COME!!!
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 11:43 AM 5 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Birthdays, Birthdays, and more Birthdays....
OK. Once again I am way behind on updating my blog. No surprise. Life is busy and it tends to be the last thing on my mind anymore.

Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 9:07 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
It's official--we're moving.
The lease between us and our renter is signed. Our renters move in on July 11th, which means we are out by July 10th. No pressure. Hmmmm. So we move into Eddie's sisters house which is just outside the Tolleson ward boundries (Lower Buckeye & West of 87th Ave). Being that this is just a temporary move, I'm gona talk to the bishop to see if we can remain in the ward until we make our final move out to the east valley within the next 6-12 months. I'm nervous, excited, scared, anxious---well, just about any and all emotions...that's what I am right about now. It'll be good for us though....
The story shall be continued in time!
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 9:32 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Ryan's Officially 5!!!

Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 12:05 AM 3 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Am I the only one?
The only one who feels guilty for NOT throwing their child a "real" birthday party. It started last year with Kaylee. We decided that since money is tight we were only going to give her a family party. We figured that we needed to keep it "fair" and told all the kids they would only get a family party for their next birthdays. It didn't bother me giving Kaylee a family birthday--she was only turning 2; I think it's normal at that age. It also didn't bother me only giving Jacob a family party...probably because he's had more than his share...he was an only child for 3.5 years and was pretty spoiled over the years. But it's different with Ryan, for some reason. He turns 5 this thursday and we are gonna have a little family party at Jeepers in Mesa. Actually, I've broken the rules a tad and invited Jalen and Ewa Quibilian, because our families are close...so they are kind of like family. But still, I feel so overcome with guilt. Ryan is beyond excited and hasn't once complained, but I think that is why I feel so rotten. He is one kid who will think one's the greatest for something so small. I just feel like I'm robbing him of this opportunity. He went to Sareny's party last month and has been looking forward to HIS party since. I know HE won't feel disappointed--but for whatever reason I do.
Hmmm. I guess I need to just get over it. Obviously I am allowing something small to be something it's not.
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 10:35 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Potty Troubles
What is it with my daughter? She is just determined to find new ways to tick me off. She does not ever stop. The latest power-struggle is the potty. She is 100% potty trained--that is, when we are NOT at home. When we are at home, she pee's (or poops) on herself almost 100% of the time. I just don't get it; I am seriously at a loss.
I decided to potty train her 2.5 weeks ago after she "dirtied" her diaper right after I changed her and was loading her in the van. I was frusterated and told her we were DONE with diapers...and that night was the beginning. She's done really well. I can take her out, all day long, to the park, church, a friends house, McDonalds, ANYWHERE and she will stop, whatever it is that she's doing, and tell me she needs to go potty. She wear's her underwear without a problem...but at home it's a whole 'nother story. I can remind her to go potty all day long, but she just pee's in her pants. To tell you the truth, I am tired of cleaning up pee!!!
It just seems backwards to put her in undies when we go out and then when we get home to place her into a pull-up. I have yet to do that...but I am getting tempted. :(
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 10:48 PM 5 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Where's Kaylee?
Okay...so, I'm sure my lovely daughter Kaylee looks cute and innocent to most. And in very short instances I, too, get fooled of that. It's obvious that this "precious" little girl was sent down to me, hidden within a mask...perhaps that I might spare her into adulthood.
Honestly, when I see this little "princess", most often all I see is.....
You think I'm kidding, don't you? I am sooooo not kidding. Infact, I wish I were. She is a nut!!!!
This girl has no fear within her. She is refered to, in our home, as "the monster". The tension builds around our home from the moment we hear her wake in the morning. I swear, her mission, in life, is to figure out what next she can do to tick me off. I know it. I am absoluetly positive that it is what she lives for.
Last night she gave Eddie and I our first heart-attacks (many more to come from her, I'm sure). We had just finished our FHE where we read a story about Emergency preparedness. The boys were excited about creating an "Emergency Bag" of their own. So, due to the fact that I had some returns to take back to Target, we thought it'd be a good idea to take the family along for the ride, and allow the kids to pick out a few item to start their own Emergency kits.
We walked through the enterence and I went straight to cutomer service, and Eddie followed; The boys and Kaylee went over to the dollar section (right across from customer service) as they always do...or so we thought. As I was doing the returns Eddie said he was going to check on the kids. Kaylee was GONE! I wasn't in a huge panic yet, I mean, this was Kaylee we are talking about, she does this kind of thing ALL THE TIME. Well, after the calling of her name got NO response my heart began to race. I called into all the bathrooms, and searched all surrounding areas. NOTHING. I rushed back to customer service; the panic had set in. I told the employee that my daughter was missing. She asked what she was wearing and how old she was. When I said she was 2, she responded, "oh, she can't be too far then", but immediatly phoned in a "code yellow". EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE was in a frantic search for her. Eddie, Jacob and I all split up to find her as well. I get half way through the store and had just about convinced myself that she was NOT in the store when an employee chased me to tell me Kaylee was found in the seasonal department and they were bringing her to me. For those of you who dont know how the store is set up, seasonal is on the complete opposite end of the store, the furtherest possible point, in the store, that Kaylee could have gone to. It took her all of 2 minute to get there. And what was she doing? Casually setting down some kids' chairs she found on some selves and was trying them each out. NOPE...she couldn't care less that we were not there with her. Well, I guess if we were trying to pick something good out of this, this boys got a glimpse of what an "emergency" was.
Yeah...so needless to say, she is no longer allowed outside the shopping cart in ANY store.
But this is so typical of her. This is anything BUT an isolated insident. The other battle I have with her is feeding Lyssi. She knows she is not allowed to feed the baby, and last week I found her sticking a WHOLE slice of pizza in Alyssas' mouth. Before this I have found her feeding Alyssa fruit snacks, pretzel, etc. It totally freaks me out! I am so scared that we will end up in the ER due to her chocking.
And the mind games...those are the WORST. Anyone who knows me well, knows I can't STAND mind games. My brother, Michael, is the "mind game" master, and drove me crazy growing up!!!! I'm starting to believe he's been holding secret classes with Kaylee, and teaching her all the "tricks". If there's anything that'll put me in the coo-coo house, this is it! She refuses to potty train, because it's what WE want. She throws temper-tantrums, every Sunday, on her way to nursery, but LOVES class. Everything I say, she does the opposite. She calls daddy "Eddie" just because she's not supposed to. UGGGGGG!!!!! What was I thinking? I thought girls were supposed to be mellow. She is by far my hardest child. I sooo need a break.
Anyone looking for an "Angelic Princess"? For Sale: FREE!!!
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 7:49 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Jacob's teeth- Part TWO
Well, after Jacob's failed attempt to move his top tooth forward we took him back to get re-evaluated by his pediatric dentist. First, I must say that this dental office is awesome (West Valley Pediatric Dentistry)!!! Anyhow, the dentist took another look and told us that not only is the tooth not going to move on it's own, but it'll actually get worse, because he has much crowding in his mouth. We were referred over to the pediatric Orthodontist, which happens to be 3 doors down from the dentist.
We walked over to the ortho to make an appointment for a consult, turns out they had openings all morning, so we were seen right then and there (nice!!! saved us a trip). Well, Jacob's tooth is what they call a "cross-bite", meaning it is BEHIND his lower teeth. The problem with this is, that (cross-bit) tooth constantly hits against his lower teeth, which will mess them up. Actually, the ortho pointed out a chip that was already in one of Jacobs permanent teeth, caused by this issue. So anyhow, to make a long story short, he needs a retainer, like NOW. That tooth needs to be pulled forward to prevent further damage to his other teeth. The retainer will not make his teeth "straight", but it will pull the tooth, in question, forward. Later on, when he has most/all of his adult teeth braces will be the topic of discussion.
Well, at this point insurance covers SQUAT. CRAP!!!! I did call them, and they said to have the ortho-office send in a pre-auth stating this is a "medically necessary" procedure and they will consider covering the costs. Ugh, not getting my hopes up, but it's worth a try, right?!
Perhaps I should start a Jacob-Dental-Fund or something, lol! Looks like this kids is about to get real expensive.
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 12:59 PM 5 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thinking Out Loud....

Kaylee & Emily

Shea, Kaylee & Brian Last summer (2008)

I often look at her and wonder if Emily would have looked like her at the various ages. My sister believes she would have, I'd have to agree.
I know I am just rambling on. My thoughts aren't always very clear, but...I am honestly okay. I am just missing my little angel tonight. I love that girl so much! Unfortunately alot of the time it just seems so surreal...like it never even happened. You know, I'm one who likes to think "that will never happen to me." And though I have never lost my own child, I lost a very special family member and it just doesn't seem like something that horrific could happen to my sister, nor the rest of our family who are deeply devestated by this tragedy.
But, I guess it'd be good for me to end this post on a good note...AMBER!!! My sister gave birth to her second daughter last December. She's our little monkey...so cute and smart.
Here's a pic of little Ambee:

Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 11:37 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Saturday was a: Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day!!! (or something like that).

The stow-in-go storage space beneath the middle bench seat.

The boys are proud to show off the roomy-trunk.

Now we just need to figure out how to pay for this dang thing...but on a positive note, I was surprised when I went online to make the vehicle change on our car insurance, and this van actually DECREASED our premium...must be a pretty safe van.
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 7:51 PM 6 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Boy am I gonna miss her...
Tommorrow will be my first day back to school since having Alyssa. I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to leave her. She is much different than any of my other kids...she loves to cuddle, and is such a mama's girl. I LOVE IT!!! I used to think it'd be a "drag" to have a baby who loved cuddling, but it is actually really nice, and I look forward to it all the time. I'm not sure who it'll be harder on tommorrow? Me: because I'll be missing my baby. or Eddie: because he won't know what to do with the mama's girl.
Anyhow, it is my last class requirement. I have finished all my pre-reqs and this class is my last co-req. I'll be taking MicroBiology 205 and it's a Saturday class that starts at 8am (boy do I hate that hour) and ends at 1:15. It's a 16 week course and I really look forward to getting it over with. My guess is that I have about 1.5 years left on the waiting list until I can enter the RN program (which is a 2 year program). Unless, of course, I can earn my way into the Banners' RN program. I need to complete MicroBiology before I can apply for Banners, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed as I have a GPA of somewhere around 3.9 (all A's and one lousy B, uggg). If, by some chance I get accepted into Banners program, they pay for it ALL, 100%, plus guarentee you a job at the conclusion of their 16-month program. Hmmmm, I guess I'd need to find a babysitter at some point; any offers? (Hey, why is everyone one running away so quickly?!?!?)
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 2:27 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Look what just arrived at my door....
A brand new pot and pan set...and a very nice one at that! The pots & pans that I was using are horrible. They are so used and worn that everything sticks to them. I was desperately wanting a new set, but you know how rediculously expensive a desent set can cost; we just do not have the money to go buy new pans. Well, my mother-in-law surprised me with this really nice set (a link to the pans I got: http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?DeptID=57089&CatID=59593&GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=0cc9792&attrtype=&attrvalue=&CMID=57089%7c59578&Fltr=&Srt=&QL=F&IND=1&CmCatId=570895957859593) . I LOVE it! I don't think I have ever been so excited about a gift....wait, perhaps when I got my air-bake cookie sheets at Christmas I was just as enthusiastic (before getting the air-bake sheets I would place a smaller cookie sheet beneath the one I was using to get the "air-bake effect...or at least I tried to).
What am I...a nut? I don't even know how to cook and my favorite gifts just happen to be cooking items. How ironic...but it is what it is and I definently LOVE both my new pots and pans and my air-bake cookie sheets!!!
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 8:15 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Orthodontics already...$$$!!!
Well, we just got one of Jacob's baby teeth pulled this afternoon. The permanent tooth was growing in behind it, and there was no sign of the baby tooth falling out on it's own. His adult tooth is growing in extremely crooked, partly because the other tooth hadn't fallen out, and partly because there's a lot of crowding in his mouth. He said the procedure wasn't bad at all, he didn't even know that he got a shot in his gums. When I told him was was surprised. Anyhow, here are the pictures of him after having his baby tooth removed.
The dental hygentist sent Jacob home with a couple tongue depressors (you know, the big popcicle stick looking things). Jacob has homework to do for her...everyday he had to bite down on the stick and try to get his top tooth to pull forward. I guess right now it sits behind his lower teeth and that is NOT good. If within 2-3 weeks it is still behind his lower teeth, we must take him back and get it "taken care of". I forgot what the actual procedure they'd be doing is called, but something to the matter of placing some rings on his back molars and forcing his tooth forward. (Sounds kinda like mini-braces to me). Anyhow, this is just the start of a LOT of ortho-appoinments for Jacob...his dentist thinks he'll need a LOT of work in the coming years (ie: braces). Uggggg.....
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 3:40 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Thanks for the idea Krystal!
So, I guess there'll be NO shaving of Alyssa's head...instead Krystal pointed out that her hair would make a good mohawk. So, that's exactly what we did tonight...yep, she had plenty of hair for a mohawk (or shall we say "faux-hawk"?).
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 6:25 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
"Hair" one day, gone the next :(
All my babies were born with tons of black hair and never lost any of it...All except Alyssa that is. Her hair is falling out like crazy! It is seriously EVERYWHERE! It's always on her pacifiers, I always seem to get some in my mouth (just from kissing her) and it covers her head padding in her carseat.
She has completly gone bald on one side of her head:
And though she seems to have hair on the other side of her head, it is slowly balding as well:
Eddie, today, mentioned how we might need to shave her head sometime....the thought of that drives me wild, but I think he's right :(
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 1:21 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
How Does Everyone Do It?
I am amazed how well everyone else seems to keep their blogs updated...I guess I'm not very good with balancing all my kids with everything else as the rest of you appear to be. Someday I hope, let it be sooner than later!
Lyssi (Alyssa) is a completely different baby than in her first couple months of life. Her colicy behavior has gone away and she's become quite a pleasant, fun baby to have around. I have grown quite the bond with her, stronger than I remember having with my other babies at her age...I think it has to do with the very long hours I would struggle to comfort her as she continually cried in pain (due to her excessive gas). I mentioned this to my visiting teacher and she responded with something that makes very good sense, "you love those you serve." How true that is, and I never realized how true it was until I learned it through Lyssi. What an amazing lesson!!!
Alyssa is now 4 months old and is quite the chunker. I just took her in for her 4 month well check yesterday and she weighs 17lbs. 7 oz and that places her in the 97%...my goodness, I must have some hearty breast milk!!! Her height is only 23 3/4" (60%). Ryan was 16lbs 7oz and Kaylee was 15lbs 7oz at this same age...and both Ryan AND Kaylee started out a whole pound heavier than Alyssa (Ryan was 8lbs 6oz, Kaylee was 8lbs 8oz, and Lyssi was only 7lbs 6oz).
Here's a picture of my "Tubee-Lubee":
Eddie and I have quite a laugh because was recently noticed that Lyssi was born with 2 completely different ears...one is like mine, and the other resembles Eddie. It is too adorable!!!
She loves to laugh and smile...she is such a joy!!! She still wakes up about 2 times a night to eat, more like snacks, but hey, how else will she keep her figure?!?!?
A couple weeks before Christmas we noticed that Jacob has some "shark teeth". It freaked me out when I first noticed it, but at this point it sounds like he'll have to get the baby tooth pulled by his dentist. Unfortunatly, I think he'll end up needing braces in a few years ($$$).
Aside from his lovely shark teeth, Jacob is thrilled to have started cub scouts. He loves it, and is beyound enthusiastic about earning belt loops and pins. It seems like all he talks about is working on his scouting (now if only I could get as enthusiastic about scouting as he is we would be rolling right along...for me it's just another thing on my "to do" list).
Other than that, life is just plain crazy around here. Miss Kaylee (or Sprocket, as Eddie likes to call her) is nothing but trouble. She's always into mischief...I can't believe I needed a girl sooooo badly. She loves to climb, and the other day she was on top of her dresser (which sits pretty high off the ground). She was calling for me to help her down. After several minutes I went and "saved" her and told her not to climb up there again. Well, lo and behold, that same night she did it again (no surprise!). She started to call for me, at which time I told her I wasn't gonna help. Eddie had just come through the door and she repeatedly called, "Eddie, come get me. Eddie, help me. " This went on for a while, until "Eddie" gave in to his princess.
She also has a new love for "fashion". She drives me crazy as she changes her clothes several times a day, and sneaks into my make-up. She's come out of the bathroom with lipstick all over her face only for me to find that broken lipstick in the garbage (grrrrr....).
Though she is one brave girl, we have found one thing she is terrified of....Mr. "Ho HoHo" Himself. If she only knew (LOL).....
Ryan is another trouble maker. He is the stubborn one of our pack. He is very intellegent in some aspects, and in other area's he just can't give one the satisfaction of pleasing them. He can be very trying at times, and loves to be Mr. "Funny guy". He always has some sort of joke, his favorite which revolve around the 'Knock-knock' jokes...typically when one asks "who's there" his response is "pineapple". He thinks he's funny, at at times we see his humor too. He does have quite the temper though.
He got a very "fitting" gift this Christmas. He loves his new Big Wheel. I had one as a child, as did Eddie. It was the perfect thing for Ryan...anyone who knows him well would agree. He is still pretty nervous about riding a regular Tricycle (because of the slight wobble) but he will kick up some dust on his Big Wheel....He LOVES it!!!!
We love them all, and can not believe how big they are all getting. Time is just moving too quickly for us. (Hopefully it'll be sooner than 3 months before I post again :)
Posted by Sarah & Eddie at 3:02 PM 2 comments