Friday, January 9, 2009

"Hair" one day, gone the next :(

All my babies were born with tons of black hair and never lost any of it...All except Alyssa that is. Her hair is falling out like crazy! It is seriously EVERYWHERE! It's always on her pacifiers, I always seem to get some in my mouth (just from kissing her) and it covers her head padding in her carseat.


She has completly gone bald on one side of her head:


And though she seems to have hair on the other side of her head, it is slowly balding as well:


Eddie, today, mentioned how we might need to shave her head sometime....the thought of that drives me wild, but I think he's right :(


hillari said...

I don't think it will get to that point, although you may have to trim some of it. I can totally relate though!

Krystal said...

shes going to have to start wearing a mohawk! :D

Feuerberg Family said...

thats what you get for talking smack! :D